Support Vijay Devarkhyani: Empowering Specially-Abled Children in Adventure Sports

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In the heart of every challenge lies an opportunity for greatness. Meet Vijay Devarkhyani, a beacon of determination and resilience. Despite facing an 82% locomotor disability, Vijay has shattered barriers, carving his name in the annals of history with a world record for the Highest Aerial Runway by a Specially Abled Man. His journey isn’t just about personal triumph; it’s a symphony of courage and compassion, echoing a resounding call for change.

Why Support Vijay?

Vijay’s quest transcends the realm of personal conquests. It’s a mission fuelled by an unwavering passion to empower specially-abled children. Through adventure sports, he seeks to gift them wings to soar above limitations, to dance with the winds of possibility, and to defy gravity, both physical and societal.

How Your Sponsorship and Donations Can Help

In the tapestry of Vijay’s mission, your support is the thread that weaves dream into reality. Your generosity can:

Equip Dreams: Provide specialized gear, the tools of liberation for these children.

Forge Pathways: Fund professional training, sculpting champions from raw potential.Illuminate Futures: Illuminate the path to glory through events and competitions, where dreams take flight.

The Impact of Your Contribution

Within every drop of support lies the power to transform lives:

Nurturing Confidence: Cultivate the seeds of self-belief, blossoming into the gardens of confidence.

Championing Inclusion: Break barriers, rewrite narratives, and pave the way for a more inclusive tomorrow.Harvesting Opportunities: Sow seeds of opportunity, reaping a harvest of inspiration and empowerment.

Join hands with us in this odyssey of empowerment

Sponsorship: Be the wind beneath their wings, sponsoring events, programs, or gear.

Donations: Every drop in the ocean counts, pooling together to create waves of change.

Volunteer: Offer the gift of time and expertise, nurturing dreams into fruition.To lend your support or explore sponsorship opportunities, visit

Join Us in Scripting a Saga of Transformation

Together, let’s script a saga where barriers crumble, and dreams take flight. Your support isn’t just a donation; it’s a catalyst for change, a beacon of hope guiding these children to new horizons. Let’s join hands, hearts, and spirits to sculpt a world where every child, regardless of ability, can spread their wings and paint the sky with their dreams.

For more details and to extend your support, visit

With deepest gratitude for your kindness and solidarity!

Shared By : Capt.Poonam Devrakhyani

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