Kuiljeit & Rheeya :

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An incredible mother-daughter duo of Super Achievers! Dr.Kuiljeit Uppaal and
Rheeya Uppaal are BFF’s who are in total sync and harmony in what they think and
do, as well as achieve! While Dr. Kuiljeit is the World’s First Image Scientist, Rheeya
is on the research path of becoming an AI Scientist.Their common values of
excellence, integrity and selfless contribution act as a common source of inspiration
to ‘give’ to society. They are both ‘Karmaveer Chakra’ Awardees (instituted by the
United Nations and I Congo) and ‘WEF Leaders of Excellence’ Awardees, for their
contribution and empowering work in global society.

Bitten by the curiosity bug, both have had tremendous love for learning and
knowledge, and they influence and complement each other’s paths and evolution
along with immense understanding and acceptance. Their collective journey of
‘inspiring and being inspired by each other’ began years ago – Dr.Kuiljeit would talk,
sing to, or share knowledge with Rheeya for hours together, while she was still in her
womb. Things haven’t changed even today, except that Rheeya too does the same
now, so much so, that Dr.Kuiljeit calls her daughter ‘Rheeya-pedia’, because of the
span and depth of knowledge her little angel has! They collectively brainstorm and
emerge with ideas.
Both inspired each other for their PhD journeys and collaborated as researchers,
who have written and presented research papers together at International Research
They have similar hobbies and talents like singing, dancing, playing instruments,
creative writing etc. that they love, and enjoy performing together. From doing voice
overs together for the same UN film, to dancing and singing together on stage, to
ideating for research, or strategising for business, Dr. Kuiljeit and Rheeya move hand
in hand seamlessly and energise each other continually. Their powerful soul connect
makes them face life fearlessly, with each watching the other’s back eternally.

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