Tag: emotion

Beyond Entertainment: The Science Behind Captivating Visuals in Children’s Storytelling

Storytelling has always been the core essence of sparking imagination, and there has never been a more immersive way to experience it than through childhood stories. Remember those cherished moments of bedtime stories? The gentle glow of a bedside lamp, the cosy embrace of a blanket, and the soothing voice weaving tales of wonder—these memories […]

The Influence of Women Designers on Luxury Travel Experiences

Women designers have exerted a profound influence on the domain of luxury travel experiences, instigating a dramatic shift in how current-day travellers engage with notions of comfort, style, and opulence. Their substantial impact resonates across multiple facets of the hospitality sector, spanning from the architectural and interior design elements that characterize upscale hotels and resorts to the meticulous crafting of […]

What not to do, When the child is diagnosed with autism?

Receiving an autism diagnosis can be overwhelming for parents and caregivers, but it’s important not to panic. Autism is a spectrum disorder, and children with autism can lead fulfilling lives with proper Autism is not caused by faulty parenting hence blaming yourself or looking for someone to blame won’t be productive. Focus on supporting your child’s needs. Denying the diagnosis or hoping the child will “grow out of […]

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