Tag: causes

Understanding Cervical Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Risk Factors

The cervix, the lowest portion of the uterus that links to the vagina, is where cervical cancer, a potentially fatal illness, begins to grow in the cells. Typically, cervical cancer progresses gradually over time. Before cervical cancer develops, dysplasia—a condition in which aberrant cells start to increase in the cervical tissue—occurs in the cervix’s cells. […]

Why Youth Is Facing Challenges – Causes, Warning Signs And Prevention

The mental health challenges faced by today’s youth are a grave concern, resulting from a complex interplay of societal, psychological, and environmental factors. The modern world imposes unprecedented pressures on the minds of young individuals, leading to a surge in stress, anxiety, and depression. According to a recent UNICEF report, one out of every seven Indians aged 15 to […]

Frustration-it’s causes

Frustration is an emotion that occurs in situations where a person is blocked from reaching the desired outcome. In general, whenever we reach one of our goals, we feel pleased and whenever we are prevented from reaching our goals, we may succumb to frustration and feel irritable, annoyed, and angry. Typically, the more important the […]

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