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Actress Jyoti Saxena

Actress Jyoti Saxena Is Roaring High On India Being In The Finale, Expresses Her Excitement To See India Lift The ICC World Cup...

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Women in Corporate Leadership and their Challenges in Boardroom

When it comes to boardroom discussions, women in Corporate Leadership roles often have their own unique challenges that limit their ability to get involved and make a difference. Here are some of the concerns that...

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Be The Kid Again

Why is there a need to be a kid again? In this manic world, we all are busy with work, responsibilities, and vice-versa....

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Self-Confidence in the Age of Social Media

Eyes glaze over as photograph after photograph of flawless Indian influencers scrolls across the screen. Teenagers around the world are spending countless hours...

Shine Global

A strong woman with a soft heart – Sharada Rijal

Q: Tell us about you and your family?woman I am Sharada Rijal Adhikari, a woman entrepreneur from Nepal. I come from a very...