Tag: disease

Cervical Cancer Awareness for Young Women: What You Need to Know

Cervical cancer, originating in the cervix, is primarily linked to the human papillomavirus (HPV), a prevalent sexually transmitted infection. Although the body often clears HPV infections naturally, persistent exposure to high-risk strains can lead to cervical cancer over time. It’s crucial for young women to grasp this connection and proactively take steps to protect themselves. […]

Stress and Heart Health: Managing the Silent Killer by FLAME University

In today’s relentless world, stress stealthily accompanies us, casting its shadow over our everyday endeavours. Though intermittent stress is a natural part of life, its insidious impact on our health, especially our hearts, cannot be ignored. Dubbed the “silent killer,” stress transcends mere mental strain, posing a grave threat to our cardiovascular health. A study at the University of California discovered that people with […]

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