Tag: Mountain

Andorra: the Real Fantasy Land

Doesn’t this name sound like a fantasy land? Well, this is an actual country in Europe, located right between France and Spain. Andorra is not a new country. In fact, its existence has been recorded for 1,000 years. It also has a seat in the United Nations and participates in the Olympics. Andorra is listed as the 16th smallest […]

Anusha Subramanian | Bohemian Adventures

Anusha Subramanian is an award-winning journalist, a British Chevening Scholar and a mountaineer. She was nominated thrice for the Press Club’s Red Ink National Award for Excellence in Journalism in 2012, 2017 and 2021 and won the award in 2012 for her investigation on the issue of ‘How Environmental Clearances are Given out for Projects by the […]

North East India: The Unexplored Paradise

North East India, popularly known as the Seven Sisters and the most unknown yet fascinating part of our country. Located in the easternmost corner of the region, the landscape is covered with mountain ranges and rainforests, which are probably the last remaining ones in our country. Through this, the giant river Brahmaputra flows, which supports […]

Altitude Sickness: What is it and How to prevent it

While travelling to different places, we often get sick as the atmosphere and the temperature there are different from our native temperature. Our body finds it difficult to adapt too quickly and that’s the reason we feel uncomfortable for a few days. Once our body settles, then we feel refreshed and ready to see the […]

Women in Indian Armed Forces—She is Unique!

In recent times, there has been a lot of  debate going on with regard to the entry of women officers in India’s armed forces. Defence experts as well as amateurs have come up with opinions and some people have even gone to the extent of labelling this important issue as the phenomenon of conquering “the […]

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