Tag: womenshine

Forging the Future: Women Leadership Shapes India’s Steel Industry

Gone are the days when the iron and steel industry was considered off-limits for women. Today, more and more women are joining the industry and making significant strides. The barriers that once stood in our way are gradually crumbling, thanks to a growing awareness of gender equality and a shift towards inclusive work environments. The future is promising and holds immense opportunities for women to thrive in […]

Environmental Aspects of ACP

Association for Craft Producers (ACP), a non-profit and a non-government fair trade organization. ACP was incepted in 1984 to provide regular design expertise, technical assistance, management as well as marketing to low-income craft producers in general and women craft producers in particular which results in regular adequate wages to supplement the family income and improve […]


The era of start-ups is in its golden period, in spite of the slow down, crashing unicorns & unprofitable businesses. Why? Because the ecosystem of start-ups has now matured. The number of patents has tripled in the last 5 years; however, women hold only 22.9% of patents internationally. In India, the percentage is much less. But are we ready for women-led […]

A Journey towards Self-Discovery: Shwetanjili Srivastava

Born into a family of bankers, Shwetanjali was raised with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Her mother, an accomplished businesswoman, has successfully run her furnishing boutique for the past 35 years. From a young age, Shwetanjali displayed exceptional academic prowess, consistently earning accolades such as the Student of the Year award. With a natural inclination towards […]

Spicy Mango Drink

Ingredients: 1cup peeled and sliced mango 2 tbsp pomegranate 2 tsp lemon juice 2 tbsp chat masala 2cup Sprite 2green chilli for garnish 2chopped green chilli Method : Take two glass Put chopped mango Add pomegranate Add lemon juice Add chopped chilli and chaat masala Then ice and Sprite A spicy mango drink is ready to be served. Recipe by : Richa Bhatnagar  […]

The Rising Pastry Industry: Chef Eureka Araujo

WS:  Can you tell us about your experience at the World Pastry Queen championship and how it has influenced your career? EA: Participating in the championship was a transformative experience for me. It was an honour to represent India and secure the third position. The competition pushed me to explore new flavour combinations and refine my […]

“My Super Hero-My Dad”

Happy Father’s Day to the most amazing Dad who is the most Handsome, strong, and kind in the world! Your love, care, and support mean everything to me. You inspire me every day with your endless love and dedication. Your love has shaped me into the person I am today. Thank you for showering me […]

Somy Ali on World Child Labour Day

Child labour can result in extreme bodily and mental harm, even death… also lead to slavery, and sexual or economic exploitation Many children all around the world are not just orphaned, deprived or tortured, but the alarming increase in child labour has been a point of concern. Their poor working conditions at a time when […]

सोनिया के एक्सीडेंट की खबर सुनते ही रोहन घबरा उठा

सोनिया के एक्सीडेंट की खबर सुनते ही रोहन घबरा उठा . वह सीधे सिटी हॉस्पिटल पहुंच गया था ,वहां पर सोनिया की नाजुक दशा देख कर उसकी आंखें बरस पड़ी . अभी तो सोनिया उसे बाय करके अपनेऑफिस के लिये निकली थी … उसे एमर्जेंसी में ऑपरेशन के लिये ले जाया गया था ….. पेपर्स […]

दक्षिण भारत तुम्हें सलाम

लालिमा ऑफिस से लौटी तो बहुत खुश थी , “माँ , मेरा प्रोमोशन हुआ है , मुझे चेन्नई जाना है “.“नहीं , इतनी दूर और तमिल बोलने वाले लोगों के बीच तुझे बहुत परेशानी होगी ? इसलिये अपने बॉस सेमना कर दो . तुम हिंदी बोलने वाली हो वहाँ तुम्हारी बात को कोई नहीं समझेगा […]

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