Tag: aparna mishra


“As a co-founder and CMO of Tummoc, I’m right there with the modern working women, gravitating towards a culture of equality. We strive for equality in everything we do. Equality needs to be like the air we breathe, vital and everywhere. It’s the solid base that every woman needs to stand on as we reach […]

With over 50% of women workforce gender equality is still a myth in the hospitality sector

In a world that celebrates progress and innovation, one industry continues to grapple with a persistent challenge: achieving true gender equality. The hospitality sector, despite its vibrant aura and dynamic appeal, remains an arena where gender disparities cast a shadow over the progress made by remarkable women. As we commemorate Women’s Equality Day, it’s time […]

Women at the forefront of overseas education trend

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”- Nelson Mandela In the contemporary era, as education transcends societal barriers, women are emerging as the vanguards of a quiet revolution. Gone are the days when education for Indian women was confined and regulated by conventional norms. In today’s global landscape […]

World Entrepreneurs Day

The journey of a woman entrepreneur is both exhilarating and challenging. While the entrepreneurial landscape has evolved to become more inclusive, women still encounter unique obstacles on the path to business growth. Here are some actionable steps to support women entrepreneurs in their quest for sustainable business growth. 1. Build a Solid Mindset: The foundation […]

Creating Hope and Prosperity: How Invest the Change Empowers Blue-Collar Job Workers

In a world where financial knowledge and inclusion remain elusive for many, Kashvi Jindal, a 17 year old entrepreneur, is making a remarkable impact on the lives of the underprivileged community. Through her project, “Invest the Change, which is motivated by the admirable goal of promoting digital and financial inclusion, Kashvi conducts financial literacy workshops […]

Some common breastfeeding mistakes every mother should avoid

Breastfeeding is an important and beautiful element of parenting, with various advantages for both the mother and the baby. As natural as breastfeeding may feel, it’s not always easy. There is a lot that can go wrong with nursing, from choosing a comfortable breastfeeding position to ensuring that the baby is latching properly. Unfortunately, new mothers frequently make blunders that negatively impair […]

Never Say Die: Neha Bhatt

Have you ever been to Ahmedabad and especially the Sabarmati River Front???? There is a very common sight which is very new to the people there One could; see a  young woman selling tea near the tea stall by the name ” Ampu Tea” at Sabarmati Riverfront Event Centre. She has happened to take social media by storm with her awe-inspiring grit, […]

मैं खुशकिस्मत हूँ

                                    मैं खुश किस्मत हूँ                क्योंकि मेरे वो मुझे बहुत प्यार करते हैं                मैं सोचती हूँ कि प्यार वो नहीं कि               पति मंहगी बनारसी साड़ी               लेकर आये या फिर गहने जेवर गढवाये               जब वह प्यार भरी नजरों से मेरी ओर               देख कर अनायास  कह उठते है                  ये […]

अपने खालीपन

अपने खालीपन को भरने औरतें भरती रहती हैं बरनियों में अचारपतियों से उपेक्षित होकर खोजती हैं -पुत्री और पुत्र में वही प्यार…अंदर से धधकती भी हैं मगर बहाती हैं पुरवाई सी बयारढकने को अपना अवसाद करती हैं साज, श्रृंगार एक दिन में कई बार मजाल जो कह जाएं कि खालीपन है,बहुत खलीपन हौले से मुस्कुरा बस […]

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