Tag: digestion

Know What and How Pre-meal Nutrition

How Nutritious was your meal? This question might seem a little ambiguous. To bring things into perspective, let’s say that we get our dose of nutrition not just from the food we eat. Rather, a lot depends on the capability of the body to digest food and convert the nutrients into vital components and energy that the body […]

The ABCs of Balanced Nutrition: Adequacy, Balance, and Moderation

We have heard of nutrition and how it builds us. We may directly refer to the food we consume as the only focal point for providing us with nutrition on a pro-rata basis. This is not an accurate definition, as nutrition is the combined result of whatever food we consume, along with the process the body undergoes to convert this same food to energy and several crucial components that the body needs.  This […]

How can you Control Overeating?

Food is the fuel your body needs – that’s true for every animal. But for humans, food goes beyond that. We have mastered the culinary arts – which means we don’t just eat food to sustain ourselves but to have an experience that’s enjoyable for our mouths, our palates and our souls. That comes with […]

Millets Better

Why Millets are better than some of the other regular grains and why you should include them in your diet more  Millets like ragi, jowar, bajra and buckwheat are the humble grains which were cherished by our grandparents. They are small-seeded grasses that have been cultivated for thousands of years in various parts of the world. These grains offer numerous health benefits and are often a better choice than some […]

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