Tag: healthcare


Women’s health is the term used to describe how women’s health is different from men’s health in numerous distinctive ways. As described by the World Health Organisation as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity,” is an example of women’s health. Many organisations push for a broader definition of women’s health, which is frequently […]

Greening Healthcare: How the Health-Tech Industry Can Lead the Way

The impact of the healthcare ecosystem on the environment is often not given adequate attention. At a global level, the healthcare sector accounts for over 4.4% of greenhouse gas emissions. It is estimated that emissions generated during the cooling of hospitals alone equal those coming from over 110 coal-fired power plants. The alarming fact is that India is among […]

World Brain Tumor Day

Brain tumor awareness is crucial for the general public as it helps individuals understand the basics of brain tumors, their symptoms, and the importance of early detection and treatment. Here’s some information about brain tumors in a layman-friendly manner: What is a brain tumor? A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain. These cells multiply uncontrollably and form a mass or tumor that can interfere with normal brain functions. […]

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