Category: Lifestyle

The Overthinking Loop

Some common reasons why individuals may find themselves caught in the overthinking loop: Perfectionism: Striving for perfection can lead to excessive analysis and overthinking. The fear of making mistakes or not meeting high standards often drives individuals to ruminate on every detail, preventing them from taking action  Fear of failure: Overthinkers often have a deep fear […]

Women Empowering the World: Environment Preservation for Combatting Climate Change

Climate change has become one of the most pressing challenges of our time, with far-reaching consequences for our planet and future generations. As we seek effective solutions, the role of women in environment preservation and combating climate change has emerged as a powerful force for positive change. Women around the world are playing pivotal roles […]


In 1970, Leo Baekeland invented the Bakelite- the first plastic. Since then plastics have been widely adopted in various industries. Furthermore, plastic was seen as a viable alternative to many other uses of that era. It was cheap to produce, strong enough and resistant to corrosion. However, the fact that plastic does not decompose is […]

Embracing a Sustainable Fashion: Mona B India

Mona B India embarked on its journey with a vision to tap into a less-explored market for sustainable and eco-friendly handbags and accessories. Recognizing the growing demand for environmentally conscious alternatives, we set out to create a brand that offers stylish products without compromising sustainability. By utilizing materials like recycled polyester, felt, and repurposed plastic bottles, we […]

The Gomti – Our Identity

The Gomti is Lucknow’s lilting, soulful Raga,Different from the eternal, majestic Ganga.And yet…On its curling folds, whispers our distinctive historyWhile wrapped in a gossamer of mystery.Like the leisurely Nawabs, it meanders through the city.Its rippling waves sing in unisona harmonious rhapsody.This little insular river from the ‘bhabhar’Perhaps emerges only to be our saviour.Protecting the land […]

Mood-Boosting Makeup Tips for 2023

As years go by and the makeup and fashion industry are ever-changing their needs and wants. 2023, looks like a fashionable year ahead because of the ever-changing suave styles that have taken over this year miraculously and the top five looks for this year are discussed here. 1.     Coordinate Your Eye Colour With your Eye-Makeup […]

Healthy Diet for Mothers

A healthy diet is essential for all individuals, but it is especially important for mothers who need to maintain their health and energy levels while also providing adequate nutrition for their growing child. Here are some tips for a healthy diet for mothers:  Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are a […]

Beauty Brands Supporting LGBTQ+ Community

Pride Month festivities are amping up largely and around the country with pride walks, parades, powerful marches and fabulous merriment for all. The community has also pioneered some of the most glamorous looks and glittering up everything as they head their community through pride. Volition This is a crowd-sourced skin brand named Volition. This has […]

Queer Owned Fashion Labels to Stock Up This Summer

When Section 377 was decriminalised in India, after years of activism and fighting for their rights, the LGBTQ+ Community was able to creatively express themselves. Artists, designers and performers could embrace their diverse gender identities and sexualities. This is around the same time that gender-agnostic fashion started rising and has not stopped since then. Technicolour […]

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