Category: Whats Trending

Crafting serenity: Mandala-Inspired Handmade Gifts for a Peaceful Festive Season

Our Indian culture is rich with many kinds of events & festivals without restricting any religion. As our roots are in agriculture, most Indian festivals are linked with harvesting. After long hard work, it brings happiness and prosperity, so it becomes time for celebration. Saint Kalidasa says, “उत्सवप्रिया: खलु मनुष्या:” means humans love to celebrate the festivals. […]

Beyond Entertainment: The Science Behind Captivating Visuals in Children’s Storytelling

Storytelling has always been the core essence of sparking imagination, and there has never been a more immersive way to experience it than through childhood stories. Remember those cherished moments of bedtime stories? The gentle glow of a bedside lamp, the cosy embrace of a blanket, and the soothing voice weaving tales of wonder—these memories […]

Minimalism in Architecture: Less is More in Modern Design

In a world characterised by a constant barrage of information, stimuli, and clutter, the minimalist movement in architecture stands as a testament to the power of simplicity, functionality, and purpose. With its famous mantra, ‘less is more,’ minimalism has redefined modern design, leaving an indelible mark on the architectural landscape. In this article, Ar. Gagandeep Kapila, the Founder and Principal Architect of Workshop of Metropolitan […]

Classroom beyond borders, the vital role of travel in education

Travel has always been a powerful teacher for me, offering invaluable lessons that textbooks and classrooms alone cannot provide. I think formal education equips us with knowledge but travel imparts wisdom by immersing us in diverse cultures, landscapes, and experiences. It is through travel that we can truly understand the world, its people, and our place within […]

Fostering Inclusivity: Creating a Supportive Environment for Women in Real Estate

The world of real estate has long been dominated by men. An industry that is responsible for building homes for a population where women make up almost 50% must adopt an inclusive approach, striving to have as many women in leadership positions. As per statistics, women make up 33% of the workforce in India, while men are […]

How Social Media Impacts Women’s Mental Health

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing the way we communicate, share, and connect with the world. Despite its undeniable advantages, it’s imperative to acknowledge the profound influence it wields over our mental well-being. Within this intricate landscape, the impact of social media on women’s mental health emerges as an issue of escalating concern. The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on Social Media & Digital Detox […]

How are the urban development projects in Tier 2 cities creating a surge in job opportunities in the energy and sustainability sectors?

As urban development projects continue to shape the landscape of Tier 2 cities, they are also paving the way for a surge in job opportunities, particularly in the energy and sustainability sectors. Once considered secondary to their Tier 1 counterparts, these cities are hotspots for professionals seeking diverse career prospects. As a result, 54% of employers have expressed their intention to hire candidates because of the increasing availability of diverse talent from these regions. Here, […]

The triumphs of women in the clean energy sector, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable world

The clean energy sector isn’t simply changing how we use energy; it is changing the narrative of gender disparity in a traditionally male-dominated landscape. Today, we celebrate the successes of determined women working hard to create a fair and sustainable future for everyone. These trailblazers are barrier-breakers and use renewable energy to show that women are crucial in guiding the world toward a cleaner and greener […]

World Mental Health Day: Mental Health is a Universal Human Right

We are complex and beautiful beings, each with a mind of our own. We think and feel things differently and in a variety of ways. Despite these differences, we all have the same rights. Along the same lines, people with mental health issues have the right to be included in the community, get access to […]

Why Youth Is Facing Challenges – Causes, Warning Signs And Prevention

The mental health challenges faced by today’s youth are a grave concern, resulting from a complex interplay of societal, psychological, and environmental factors. The modern world imposes unprecedented pressures on the minds of young individuals, leading to a surge in stress, anxiety, and depression. According to a recent UNICEF report, one out of every seven Indians aged 15 to […]

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