Category: Whats Trending

A Culinary Innovator: Indu Prasad

Passion@cake is a home bakery located in Hyderabad and owned by Indu Prasad Dipankar, a passionate self-taught baker, and an MBA who has previously worked in content management and market research. Since I was a child, I had a deep fascination with baking and cake decoration, often marvelling at the creation of tall and impressive cakes. My mother, […]

Fondant Love: Sonali

The home baking journey was embarked upon in 2017, where my passion for creating cakes based on different themes was discovered. Initially, simple cream-based cakes were started, but my determination and love for the craft drove me to explore fondant-covered cakes. Over time, elaborate theme-based cakes were designed, skilfully combining both fondant and cream elements. […]

Achieving a Work-Life Balance: Arika Bansal

As a surgeon, mother and founder of Eugenix Hair Sciences, I have grown to realise that one cannot have everything and do everything simultaneously. Being a doctor is a demanding profession that requires dedication, compassion, and long work hours. For women doctors, achieving a work-life balance can be particularly challenging. However, as a doctor, I […]

Strategies to address Mental Health in the Workplace

Dealing with female mental health in the workplace requires a proactive and supportive approach. Here are some strategies to effectively address and support female employees’ mental well-being: Foster a supportive work culture: Create a culture that values and respects the unique challenges and experiences of women. Encourage open communication and provide a safe space for […]

On World Music Day, Ace Lyricsit Dr Sagar Takes Us Down To The Memory Lane Back In 2011 Where Shreya Ghoshal sang For His Debut Song.

“Shreya Ghoshal’s soulful voice breathed life into my words”, says ace lyricist Dr Sagar on World Music Day World Music Day, celebrated on the 21st of June each year, unites music lovers worldwide in a celebration of the universal language of melodies. It serves as a reminder of the transformative power of music, breaking barriers […]

Yoga for Special Education: Empowering Learning and Development in Specially Abled Kids

Children with special needs experience a range of physical and internal disabilities that impact their overall well-being. Simple tasks can be challenging or require significant effort, leading to frustration. Consequently, they often feel tense and quickly tire from physical exertion. Cerebral limitations may cause stiffness in their muscles and bones, resulting in significant pain and […]

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