Tag: digital magazine

Echoes of Emptiness: Understanding Empty Nest Syndrome

In the realm of human experiences, where joy and sorrow interweave, there exists a poignant phase known as the empty nest syndrome. It is a chapter marked by a range of emotions, as children leave their parents nest to pursue their own lives. It is a natural milestone in the scheme of life, yet it […]

Shattering the Silence: Why Mental Health Demands Our Attention

#ItsOkayToNotBeOkay In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, it is surprising how often the topic of mental health remains hushed. However, it is crucial that we break this silence and elevate the discussion surrounding mental well-being. Contrary to misconceptions, addressing mental health is not attention-seeking; rather, it is an act of self-care and compassion […]

The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health in India and How to Reduce it

Mental health and psychological care in India have remained suppressed under an often-repeated phrase – ‘log kya kahenge?’ This cuts across gender, caste, religion, socio-economic class, and region in India, making people shy away from coming out in the open. The immense pressure to stay and act ‘normal’ manifests an unhealthy stigma against getting help. […]

Emotional Resilience

Days of darkness, nights that feel far too lonely,  A mind overburdened with fears and doubts,  Uncertainties of your mind, only.  In my work as an educator & entrepreneur, I come across heartbreaking stories of children and adults who are silently sinking into the darkness of depression and anxiety. Their fear of their fears, their […]

Mental Health Counselling Among Working People

Mental health is a buzzword in today’s times. However, the topic is slightly limited to an individual’s mental health in a more personal space rather than on an organisational level. This fact makes it hard for working people to seek mental health counselling without any stigma attached to it in their social setting. The challenges […]

एक बोतल दूध

 45 वर्षीय रामचरण का नाम आज शहर के जाने माने लोगों में गिना जाता है . उन्होंने अपनी मेहनत और लगन के बलबूते दौलत का ढेर इकट्ठा कर लिया था …इस दुनिया में किसी भी व्यक्ति को अपने जीवन में खुश होने के लिये धन दौलत , सुंदर पत्नी , प्यारा सा बच्चा सब कुछ […]


निम्न मध्यवर्गीय प्राइमरी स्कूल की अध्यापिका सुषमा जी आज पहली बार ट्रेन के ए. सी. कूपे में बैठने के लिये छोटे बच्चे की तरह उत्साहित थीं। उन्होंने सदा  कल्पना लोक में विचरण करते हुये ए.सी. कूपे की ठंडक का अनुभव किया था। बेटी की जिद और उसी की अनुकंपा से उन्हें आज यह सौभाग्य मिलने […]

Andorra: the Real Fantasy Land

Doesn’t this name sound like a fantasy land? Well, this is an actual country in Europe, located right between France and Spain. Andorra is not a new country. In fact, its existence has been recorded for 1,000 years. It also has a seat in the United Nations and participates in the Olympics. Andorra is listed as the 16th smallest […]

Mother’s day Quotes

“India is a beautiful country with a rich culture and has made significant progress, but it still clings to a few stringent norms, especially when it comes to women. Despite this, In 2013, I made the life-changing decision to adopt a 5-month-old baby, defying cultural stereotypes around traditional family and marriage. Eight years on, I […]

Unveiling the Business Secrets with Awani Singh, Founder Kashni Creations

1. What is the inspiration behind  Kashni Creations? I always had a keen interest in fabrics. Even during my college days I looked up to different fashion designers and aspired to be like them. My father was a doctor & wanted the same for me. However, I never had any interest in medical sciences. What […]

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