Tag: health

Mental Health Counselling Among Working People

Mental health is a buzzword in today’s times. However, the topic is slightly limited to an individual’s mental health in a more personal space rather than on an organisational level. This fact makes it hard for working people to seek mental health counselling without any stigma attached to it in their social setting. The challenges […]


Examining the Effects of Mental Health Issues on Teenagers Educational Attainment The 21st century has brought with it great strides in the progress, development, and advancement of civilization. Technology has cemented its necessity, purpose, and importance in the functioning of society as a whole. The 21st century has also birthed Gen-Z and the millennials a population of […]

Mother-Son Duo Doing Business Together In the Social Sector

In today’s fast-paced world, we often hear about successful mother-daughter duos in the businessworld. But what about mother-and-son teams? In recent years, there has been a growing trend ofthese duos working together to make a positive impact in the social sector.These amazing moms and sons bring their skills and viewpoints to help their communities. Theyare […]

Quotes: from ENGN Athletes for World Fitness Day | Health

ENGN an athlete representation company that exclusively works with Indian sportswomen.  ENGN follows a 360-degree management approach where it will not only bring in sponsorship but also provide athletes access to the right nutrition and mental health coaches along with providing them financial support for training within the country as well internationally. Anoli Shah, International Medallist, Speed Skating,ENGN :  […]

Health & Happiness

Each and every person possesses a dream of being healthy and active. However, because of their hectic schedules and work obligations, individuals gave up their real dreams. Health and happiness, as we are all aware, are the most important resources that money cannot buy, but they are indeed the saving account. On this World Fitness Day, here are some important tips that you may utilize to […]

Strawberry Orange Smoothie

Ingredients: 11/2 cups fresh orange 1 cup fresh orange juice chilled  2 frozen bananas  1/2 cup heaped Nestle yogurt chilled  8 big strawberries chilled  2 tbsp honey  Method: In a blender add all the ingredients. Blend till it’s completely smooth. Divide it between two glasses. Garnish with orange slices and strawberry halves. Enjoy! Shared by : Chef Rainna Gupta

Myths about uniquely abled children

1. Every unique child is the same as having an intellectual disability: Most children once diagnosed with any neurodevelopment illness are labelled under the umbrella term of “intellectual disability”. 2. Once a child is diagnosed with special needs, nothing much can be done: Most special needs caregivers are not aware of their rights by The government of […]

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